Meet Maria
I'm Maria Stanfield, a nationally known motivational speaker, best-selling author, and Life/Executive Career Coach.
My mission is to empower others to find their potential by breaking through the false narrative of limitations in their lives and discovering hidden talents and skills to recognize their true purpose.
From employee to entrepreneurship or finding your calling - I understand the process of transitioning from the hustle to flow and living in the overflow of an abundant life.

Services That Empower

Get it Done, Coaching Program
Girl, you can Get it Done #GID. I've partnered with a powerhouse team of brilliant coaches, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to offer an incredible 12-month coaching program. These widely successful Boss Women have linked arms with me to teach, train and support your financial, health and wellness, career, business, and spiritual goals.

The PUSH PARTY, the Un-conference
I’ve created a unique invigorating and collaborative environment and the ultimate, Girls Day Out, style event to learn new skills, meet and dine with Powerhouse Girl Bosses, join the party and dance to the tunes of our fierce sister DJ to PUSH pass fears and anxiety to engage in meaningful sister-to-sister conversations in a safe space. Get Empowered! We are PUSHING pass negativity, imposter syndrome and anything else that has been holding you back from living an abundant and fulfilling life. It’s Time to PUSH!
Public Speaking Messages
Push to Your Potential
During this training, I'll break down the common misconceptions of imposter syndrome and career blockers and answer your deepest calling in life while still working full-time.
Find the courage to overcome any limiting beliefs or others' views so you can strive for a beautiful life filled with ABUNDANCE!